By: Chris Mullen, - 27 March, 2015
Gold edged up to $1205.16 in Asia before it fell back to $1192.69 by a little before 10AM EST, but it then bounced back higher into midday and ended with a loss of just 0.39%. Silver slipped to as low as $16.864 and ended with a loss of 0.59%. Full Story
By: Julian D. W. Phillips, Gold/Silver Forecaster - Global Watch - 27 March, 2015
New York closed at $1,203.40 up $7.80. Asia held it there before London opened, where it slipped to $1,107.00 ahead of the LBMA Gold price where it was set at $1,198 down $11.40 but higher than the market was trading before the price was set. The euro equivalent stood at �1,106.54 up �6.89. Ahead of New York�s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,200.40 and in the euro at �1,106.36. Full Story
- World sleep walking from �Cold War� to �Hot War� and new World War - U.S. resolution to supply Ukraine with lethal weaponry passed - Russia warns such moves would �explode the whole situation� - Minsk agreement remains intact � little justification for escalation and ignoring EU allies - US continues to act as only global superpower despite powerful Russia and China and new multi-polar world - Hubris could lead to a new World War Full Story
By: Chris Mullen, - 26 March, 2015
Gold jumped $23.86 to $1219.46 by a little after 4AM EST before it fell back to off in London and New York, but it still ended with a gain of 0.65%. Silver surged to as high as $17.395 and ended with a gain of 0.47%. Full Story
By: Julian D. W. Phillips, Gold/Silver Forecaster - Global Watch - 26 March, 2015
New York closed at $1,195.60 up $1.90. Asia took it much higher to $1,213 before London opened, where it slipped slightly to $1,210.6. The �LBMA Gold price� was set at $1,209.40 up $16.85 which was the euro equivalent of �1,099.65 up �14.08. Ahead of New York�s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,208 and in the euro at �1,097.98. Full Story
Geopolitical tensions escalated dramatically over night as Saudi Arabia launched military operations including air strikes in Yemen. The Saudis claim the action is to counter Iran-allied forces besieging the southern city of Aden where the U.S. backed Yemeni president had taken refuge. Oil surged and gold rose nearly 2% following a sharp drop in stocks on Wall Street globally in response to the bombing in Yemen. Full Story
By: Chris Mullen, - 25 March, 2015
Gold edged down to $1187.64 in Asia before it rebounded to $1199.35 at about 9:30AM EST and then chopped back lower into midday, but it still ended with a gain of 0.16%. Silver slipped to $16.87 in Asia, but it then rose to as high as $17.127 in New York and ended with a loss of just 0.18%. Full Story
By: Julian D. W. Phillips, Gold/Silver Forecaster - Global Watch - 25 March, 2015
New York closed at $1,193.70 up $3.10. Asia held it at $1,192 before London opened, where it held that level up until the �LBMA Gold price� setting. It was set at $1,192.55 down $0.65 which was the euro equivalent of �1,085.57, down �1.18. Ahead of New York�s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,194.40 and in the euro at �1,087.55. Full Story
- Leading think tank forecasts strong economic growth in Ireland, ignores global risks - Impact of Euro zone debt crisis and global geopolitical risk underestimated - Global macro-economic, systemic, geo-political and monetary risks largely ignored - Risk that lulls politicians, investors and people into false sense of security � again Full Story
By: Chris Mullen, - 24 March, 2015
Gold edged down to $1185.20 in Asia before it rebounded to $1194.80 in London and then dropped back to $1186.21 by a little before 10AM EST, but it then bounced back higher into the close and ended with a gain of 0.26%. Silver slipped to as low as $16.825 before it also rallied back higher, but it still ended with a loss of 0.35%. Full Story
By: Julian D. W. Phillips, Gold/Silver Forecaster - Global Watch - 24 March, 2015
New York closed at $1,190.60 up $7.40. Asia held it $4 below that level before London opened, where it was lifted back up to $1,191.10 ahead of the �LBMA Gold price�. This morning the �LBMA gold price� was set at $1,193.25 up $11.85 and in the euro equivalent of �1,086.75 up �1. Ahead of New York�s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,193.60 and in the euro at �1,087.36. Full Story
- Incorrect rumors abound around blogosphere that HSBC is rapidly and quietly closing gold vaults - HSBC are in fact closing down their safety deposit box facilities in vaults in branches - Banks internationally closing boxes as not profitable and move to �cashless society� - Incorrect speculation that HSBC move forcing gold clients to sell bullion Full Story
By: Chris Mullen, - 23 March, 2015
Gold edged down to $1179.38 in late Asian trade, but it then rallied back higher in London and New York and ended near its late session high of $1191.50 with a gain of 0.625%. Silver rose to as high as $17.092 and ended with a gain of 1.97%. Full Story
By: Julian D. W. Phillips, Gold/Silver Forecaster - Global Watch - 23 March, 2015
New York closed at $1,183.20 up $12.90. Asia held it a dollar below that level before London opened. So far the new way of Fixing does not appear to have produced any dramas and the �runs� have gone well. Of course true transparency would mean the participants disclosing details of their in-house deals which were �netted� out before the participants did an overall �netting out�. This morning the �LBMA gold price� was set at $1,181.40 up $9.65 with the euro price down nearly �10. Ahead of New York�s opening, gold was trading in London at $1,181.60 and in the euro at �1,085.73. Full Story
Greece�s place in the Eurozone is as precarious as ever as talks between Prime Minister Tsipras and European leaders in Brussels broke down � hours after reaching general agreement � and Greece warned Germany that it will be �impossible� for Greece to service debt payments due in the coming weeks if the EU fails to provide short-term financial assistance. Full Story
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